Jeu maîtrisé et buts en cascade

It was a single small point separating Wasquehal and Drancy in the starting standings. In other words, the spectators present and the players on the ground expected a game rather disputed. And the match started in the worst of times for the JAD, who quickly took a goal against (0-1 / 1’20) while Drancy had…

6 “espoirs” en compétition ce week end

La JAD participe au Second Meeting Départemental “Espoirs” à Noisy Le Grand, samedi 28 et dimanche 29 novembre 6 nageurs de la JAD engagés (4 filles, 2 garçons). Compétition préparatoire au programme “Natathlon” et sélections départementales Benjamins et 11 ans et moins Ouverture des portes : -samedi 14h00 (Premiere Course : 15h00) – Fin prévue :…

Le retour de nos 2 champions

Report of the French Championships in Angers, November 19 to 22, 2015 by Matthieu, the coach of our 2 champions, proud of his swimmers. “The championships went very well for our two representatives of the JAD: Chloe and Thomas” It was a first national stage before the next French Elite Championship in the big pool…