La Russie vient à DRANCY

La JAD | Jeanne d’Arc de Drancy sera présente ce dimanche 24 juin 2018 en compagnie de notre partenaire Marchés de Drancy pour un ensemble d’animations organisées par les commerçants pour fêter la coupe du monde.   Nous vous attendons nombreux afin de célébrer la coupe du monde.

Les U12 B au tournoi de LEOGNAN

This weekend of June 16 and 17, 2018, the U12 B Nazir MAHIBOU accompanied by the head of the football school Sébastien COSTA were in tournament on the side of LEOGNAN. A nice weekend after which the drancéens finish the tournament in 12th place. Congratulations to all the children for the exemplary behavior displayed throughout…

Les U12 A au tournoi de RÉZÉ

This weekend the U12 Benjamin MAGNIN FEYSOT were out of the side of RÉZÉ for a tournament of 2 days far from the drancéennes bases. A tournament played under ideal weather and an unforgettable weekend for the children and educators present. Thanks to the REZÉ club for the organization of the tournament after which the…