Marche Nordique découverte

A HEALTHY SPORT that suits everyone. Put on your shoes, we’ll lend you the sticks, and you’re off for a friendly walk in an authentic practice like Finland. Register quickly, limited places. You can also come and meet the Nordic Walkers team on Saturday 9 September at the Sports Forum. Contact: Marie-José   Tel.…

Séance au Parc de Ladoucette

In partnership with “Drancy Insertion” at Nordic Walking Discovery was held Thursday, April 20, 2017 at Ladoucette Park. Despite the coolness of the morning participants who were 13 (2 withdrawals) including 3 companions. The group was supervised by Nicolas, development officer of the Regional Committee of Ile de France FSCF, Lucas Departmental Committee of Val…

Formation AF 1

Renseignements : FSCF – Comité Régional d’Ile-de-France 38, rue Roger Salengro –  94270 LE KREMLIN BICETRE Mail : Tél: 09 81 94 35 57 Fiche d’inscription à télécharger sur http.// Responsable de stage : Marie-José Tél. 06 59 25 06 10 Retrouvez ci-dessous les conditions de cette formation : 2017-03_Plaquette AF1 MN_LIF