On this sunny weekend, U11 players from Sofiane took the opportunity to proudly represent the JAD colors at the FSCF finals by presenting two quality teams.
Having taken the road on Friday morning in 3 minibuses, the small Drancéens arrived at their hotel Friday in the late afternoon. After a well deserved shower, they then took the path of the University Campus of Grenoble to eat properly.
Place on Saturday and the launch of the competition. Positive results for the two teams led by Bruno Goncalves FERNANDES … (Educator U11 A), Sebastian COSTA (Manager U10 / U11 / U12) and Sofiane RACHID (Educator U11 B). Indeed, they qualified brilliantly for the quarter-finals before “unfortunately” meet in Semifinals the next morning at 9:15.
Ironie du sort, c’est la JA Drancy “2” (qui n’avait de “2” que l’appellation) qui parvient à se qualifier au détriment de la JA Drancy “1” sur un score de 2 buts à 1.
Lors de la petite finale, la JA Drancy “1” réalise un match nul 1-1 face aux Coqs Rouge de Bordeaux et termine donc à la 4ème place de ces finales.
La finale à, quant à elle, opposé la JA Drancy “2” à St-Sa. Au terme, d’une belle rencontre, les petits drancéens parviennent à arracher le match nul 2 but partout avant de s’incliner 3-1 aux tirs aux buts. Ils finissent donc à la 2ème place des Finales FSCF 2018.
The JA Drancy Club once again thanks the FSCF for these finals organized by the FSCF leaders as well as all the volunteers who allowed the young Dranceans to express themselves in a very good atmosphere. Young people take the road this Sunday in the early afternoon the stars full of eyes …