Stages de Football (U10 et U11)

La JA Drancy organise deux stages de football payants (50€ chacun) pour ses licenciés, durant les vacances de la Toussaint (du 17 octobre au 1er novembre) : – U10 (du 19 au 23 octobre) – U11 (26 au 30 octobre) Durant cette période de vacances scolaires, les éducateurs proposeront différentes activités ludiques aux enfants (piscine, cinéma, …)…

Made in JAD épisode 5

5th part of the soap opera Made in JAD where we will return to the race of a pure dredge, Ibrahim DIARRA. Ibrahim started playing football at the age of 6 on the city of JA DRANCY club where he did all his classes from U6 to U14. At the end of the 2011-2012 season…

U17 Nat : Retour sur le match Drancy – Caen

Yesterday was the match of U17 National between the JAD and Stade Malherbe Caen (clear victory 3-0 in favor of the Drancéens). Despite a largely controlled performance by the Drancéens, an article published early this morning (see here) , mentions a drancéenne team “hyper athletic” in the “direct game” having “framed three times for so…